String Instrument Rental Program
Why Rent?
I often hear parents say “We’ll get a low priced instrument and see if our child likes it, first. Then we’ll rent or buy a better instrument.” That might work for other instruments, but for a stringed instrument there is a HUGE difference between a good instrument and a cheap one. In many instances, a cheap instrument is really not even playable!
A quality instrument capable of producing a warm and pleasing tone is a critical element in the success of the young string player. The positive reinforcement of good sound and ease of playability encourages the student to practice and to take pride in his or her accomplishments. Lesson time will be more productive as the student and teacher benefit from a problem-free instrument.
As a former string teacher and parent of string players, I think one should also look at the value received for the rental dollar. This includes the quality of the instrument/outfit, the instrument setup, the rental credit towards purchase, the insurance available and any other benefits offered. At Eisenbarth Violin Shop, I feel that my rental program gives an exceptional value for the rental dollar.
1/4 through full size instruments are available. All rental instruments are made from well-seasoned spruce and maple. The fingerboard, tailpiece, pegs and chinrest are made of solid ebony. The bridge and soundpost are carefully fitted to optimize tone, and each instrument is strung with quality strings. Every effort is made to make these rental instruments a pleasure to play, as well as to hear.
As your child grows, you will need to trade in your smaller instrument for a larger instrument. This is necessary to keep your child playing at his or her best. There is no extra charge for a size trade-up and the rental program will contine on as described below. Of course, any damage to the trade-in instrument will have to be compensated.
Your Instrument
Should Look Good,
Sound Good,
and Feel Good.
Rental Credit
This is not a rent-to-own program. No rental instruments are for sale. However at any time during the rental period, if the renter account is current, the renter may elect to purchase an instrument from Eisenbarth Violin Shop, LLC. Should this be the choice, 80% of the price of the new instrument will be reduced by 100% of the first year rental fee, plus 60% of the rental fee for each additional year.
Rental Prices
Price for the 1st three month trial period
$25 for the first 3 months
$25 for the first 3 months
$40 for the first 3 months
Price beginning with the second three month period
$70 per 3 month period
$75 per 3 month period
$150 per 3 month period
Repair Insurance
Eisenbarth String Instrument Repair offers optional repair insurance for rental instruments covering body, neck, pegs, soundpost, bridge, tailgut, tuners, bow and case repairs. Bow hair, broken strings and instrument accessories are NOT covered by this insurance. Accident Insurance Coverage is optional for rental instruments and can only be purchased at the time of the initial rental contract. Purchase of this insurance provides coverage for all accidents. This insurance does not cover gross negligence or malicious damage done to the instrument, bow or case, and loss through theft or fire or carelessness. This insurance also does not cover damage caused by pets. The renter is responsible for the repair or replacement cost if such damage occurs. We recommend that you also insure your instruments under a home owners (or renters) insurance policy, which may help if the instrument is lost or stolen.
Insurance Prices
Violin --
Viola --
Cello --
$10 per 3 month period
$10 per 3 month period
$16 per 3 month period
Payment Procedure
All fees are based on a rental period of three months. Rental price does not include insurance. At the end of the initial three-month period, the renter may continue to rent their instrument on a monthly basis. Rent is billed every three months for the duration of the rental agreement. No portion of the first three months’ fees is refundable. The first payment may be cash, check, or credit card. All subsequent transactions are paid through use of a credit card.
School Kits For Rental Customers
Beginner School Kits are available to our rental customers at greatly reduced prices. The school kit generally consists of: the book required by the school, a shoulder sponge for violin and viola players or a rock stop for cello players, rosin, and a music stand.
School Kit Prices
Violin --
Viola --
Cello --